Thank you for following us in this season too and see you at next concert on 6 October. Have a nice summer!

After the great concert of last 7 July, with ALESSANDRO CRUDELE (conductor) and ANIKA VAVIC (piano), we wait for you next 6 October at 9.00 pm in the Statale University Great Hall for the last concert of the ORCHESTRA UNIMI  for Expo in città.

Our Music Director, ALESSANDRO CRUDELE, will conduct the Concerto two violins D minor BWV 1043 by J.S. BACH (solists, the ORCHESTRA UNIMI concertmasters, DANIELA CAMMARANO and MICHELE TORRRESETTI), Taipei Horizon (italiana premiere) by the German composer CHRISTIAN JOST and the Symphony No. 2 C minor by ANTON BRUCKNER.

As usual, at free entrance without booking duties.

In the meantime, thank for your following so numerous our 15th season. Have a nice summer!